Monday 17 November 2014

20 - Mouse - Scrutiny - Contrary





If I could see the world,

Through your tiny eyes,

Maybe then I would know,

How to scrutinize.

Every detail carries weight,

And true to its purpose,

Has its perfect puzzle place,

To stop the "three-ring circus!"


Mouse in the contrary position may be telling you that you are spending too much time with matters of great consequence when you should be paying a traffic ticket or sweeping the hogan. 

You may have let yourself become slovenly. 

You may have developed a disdain for authority and order.  

You may be procrastinating about something that needs immediate attention. 

Bring mouse medicine to your life's chaos and you will   soon have everything tidy and shipshape.

Another message of Mouse reversed may be that you are "pipe dreaming" about your own importance in life.
Are you wondering why you have not been nominated for the Academy Awards?  

You can't be recognized if you are not taking care of life's details and working in humility.

Remember that all good things come to those willing to work toward wholeness.
Little Mouse needs to see the big picture, but only assimilate the information the picture gives a little at a time.  

Expansiveness can be overwhelming if you forget to take it step by step. 

Confusion is a product of "too much, too soon. " Little mouse can conquer any task by using its scrutiny.  

Slow down and right the contrary medicine.  

Stop chasing your tail or being confused by the maze and start observing the details of your present pathway.


Mouse is an animal with a highly sensitive sense of touch through its whiskers.  

Since it is a source of feed for many animals, it has a keen sense of danger too.  

In American Indian medicine traditions, Mouse is associated with the ability to examine things in detail at close quarters. 

So Mouse as a power animal, encourages you to pay more attention to detail and examine the "small print" of what comes before you.  

Mouse also urges you to examine the details of your life more closely, and not to disregard the "little" things, for they are all components of your life and teachers for your spiritual progress.

Mouse tells you not to ignore the obvious because that which you are seeking may be right in front of your eyes. 

Mouse also puts you on the alert. Things and people aren't always what they appear. 

Be careful not to be trapped into situations that might be harmful to you, or be enticed by offers that appear attractive but may contain hidden snags.  

Examine everything carefully.  

Take care and look closely. 


Pay attention.  

Handle one thing at a time.  

Honour your perceptions.


Sams , Jamie and Carson, David. 
Medicine Cards
Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988

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