Friday 28 November 2014

25 Fox Camouflage - Contrary




Fox . . . 
      Where are you? 
          Under the ferns?
              Becoming the forest,
                    So I can learn?

Are you watching,
      Invisible to me?

Trying to teach me,
    To become a tree?


Watch out for wiley Fox if this card has appeared reversed! 

Someone may be watching you, and trying to figure out your next move. 

If you look deeper, however, it may be that you are watching yourself to prove to yourself that you exist. 

If you have a "wallflower" to the point of disappearing, you may need to decide that you are worth noticing.

Contrary Fox is as foolish as it is cunning, and you may have fooled yourself into believed that your low self-esteem is due to your being born plain or having an ordinary life. 

This is camouflage of a different sort, in that you have camouflaged your true desire to experience life with friends, with you, and with purpose. 

In any case, you are put on notice to be aware of apathy and self-induced boredom. 

You may have to dig deeply to find what excites you enough to scurry across the wasteland of your dulled senses and live.

Contrary Fox may also be telling you that you have become too visible. 

In climbing to a place of recognition, oftentimes the envy or jealousness of others is thrown
in your face. 

If you are feeling attacked, withdraw. It may be time to assume the attitude of the hermit and deck yourself in the cloak of invisibility.

To right contrary Fox in this situation, call on Armadillo and name your boundaries. 

Then call on the family's protector to show you the art of camouflage. 

Once out of the line of attack, you can resume the role of being your "foxy" self.

Become Fox and feel the joy of knowing the playground of your life. 

You may just find the chicken coop full of intriguing morsels of delight.


Fox is associated with cunning, primarily because f its ability to observe the movements of others without being seen. 

As a power animal, Fox stresses the power of
adaptability and integration coupled with the quality of quick-thinking and decisiveness
when the time is ripe.

Power animals always express the positive aspects of the characteristics they share with their physical counterparts, and Fox is not exception. 

Fox as a power animal teaches not the cunning of deceitfulness, but kenning of discretion; not the wilyness of being sly, but the willingness of being unobtrusive. 

It also stresses the importance of waiting patiently for the appropriate opportunity to make your move.

It is possible that your principal problems derive from your desire to prove yourself, and to make your presence felt. 

If you are feeling threatened, or the victim of
controversy and criticism, or envy and jealousy, you are in need of Fox's help in becoming less noticeable and in achieving your aims unheeded and unimpeded by others.

Camouflage and be less noticeable.

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