Friday 14 November 2014

31 - Turkey - Give-away - Contrary




Ho, brother turkey,

So freely you give.

Of everything that you are.

So others may truly live.


There are several aspects for pulling the gobbler card in the revered position.

Are you gobbling up anything and everything out of fear or lack?

Are you holding on too things and refusing to let go of  a dime for charity?

It could be that the Scrooge in you, has grown accustomed to the miserly aspect of living.

If not, you might look at the possibility that you are fearful of spending money at this time.

Another aspect of "contrary gobbling" is the need to 

recycle the energy, " the buck stops here" may only 

mean that it stops in you bank account.

On all levels of this contrary message, the keynote is that generosity of spirit is being neglected.

This can be towards self or towards others.

Remember, never give to receive.

That is manipulation.

Giving is without regret and with a joyful heart, or the "give-away" has lost its true meaning.


Sams, Jamie and Carson, David.
Medicine Cards 
(Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988).

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