Monday 24 November 2014

Sunday, November 23, 2014 - # 41 - Whale - Record Keeper - Contrary



Record Keeper


Of mighty oceans,

You have seen it all.

Secrets of the ages are 

Heard within your call.

Teach me how to hear your words,

And how to understand,

The very roots of history,

Of when our world began.


If Whale has beached itself in your cards, the contrary medicine implies that you are not following your sonar or homing device. 

On some level you have forgotten that you hold all the answers you need to survive, to grow, and to claim the power of your chosen destiny.

It may be that you are having to deal with a lot of chatter in your hear and cannot get to your personal records. 

If so, you may need to use other sounds to enter the silence.

The drum or rattle, the Indian flute, or the sounds of nature may help. 

The call of Whale is the lullaby of the tides. Rock yourself gently and float into the world of the sea. 

Flow with the waters of time and collect your answers - they are the only truth that will lead to
your personal pathway of knowing.

Contrary Whale is saying that you must desire to know. 

You must seek the Whale song within you. 

In hearing Whale's call you will connect to the Ancients on a cellular level, and then as you relax into the flow of the song's rhythm you will begin to open your unique library of records. 

It may not come all at once. It may take practice, but if you hold the desire to know close to your heart, it will be Whale's gift to you. 

Look to the Great Star Nation and send gratitude to Sirius for the song of Whale.

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