Monday 29 December 2014

16 - Raven - Magic - Contrary - flew out doubling animal medicine today - 8 - Otter - Woman Medicine




Raven . . 
     Black as pitch,
          Mystical as the moon,
               Speak to me of magic,
                   I will fly with you soon.


Raven reversed is not to be taken lightly! It can mean that the boomerang is coming home. 

If you have wished harm to another, beware - you have asked for this harm to teach you in turn what it feels like. 

If you have not been wishing evil on another,
contrary Raven may be bringing you a warning that you are not equipped to move into
another level of consciousness until you have mastered the one you are currently working

On yet another level, Raven may be telling you that you have forgotten the magic of life and have settled into a mundane rut. 

If this rut suits you and you do not want to
experience the extraordinary magic in your life, ask Raven to fly through your dreams and
give you a taste of its medicine. 

If you do, you may never be the same again.
Contrary Raven may also portend a time of smoky, confused messages that you cannot see or hear because your "intellect" is insisting that magic is not real. 

If you cannot imagine or pretend due to your lack of faith in magic or miracles, healing cannot
take place. 

Raven may be pecking at the door to your consciousness, but you will not receive unless you clear the smoke and seek the other realms of imagination and awareness where magic lives.

To right the contrary Raven, you may need to seek a trained shaman to clear the energy field you have created. 

You might need to block some negative energy sent by another person, or cancel the harm you wished on someone else. 

Keep it clean! 

This is the message when the magic moves into smoky shadows. 

Seek healing and a clearing of intention, the reach for the stars and honour Mother Earth and all other living things. 

Fill yourself with the magic of being alive and call Raven to teach you the proper way of using energy. 

Ground that energy so that manifestation of the magic can occur. 

Do this in love and simplicity. 

Raven will tell you this magical truth: never go beyond that which you have prepared and trained for. 

Life is good, so use the magic to aid the entire family of Earth.


Because of its blackness, Raven has, in western cultures, been considered an omen of ill-fortune and associated with dark deeds. 

But in American Indian medicine tradition,
light comes out of darkness, and black is associated with the Void - the source of all
energy - Raven its messenger. 

That is why it is associated with magic and with fate, for it is a messenger of that which is to come. 
Raven heralds the need to make dramatic
changes in your attitude and in the way you perceive things. 

Raven is encouraging you to put some real magic into your life - to expect the unexpected, to prepare for plentitude.

Disperse that negative attitude that has been holding you back for so long, and replace it
with the zest and excitement for "aliveness.

" Fell good about being alive.

Raven is the courier of the energy-flow that brings about changes and creates new realities. 

In American mystical traditions, Raven was the Guardian of Ceremonial Magic and Absent Healing. 

It therefore represented the power that carried the "message" or intention of the ceremony to its destination, and thus brought about its manifestation.

Heralding changes.

Open yourself to miracles. 

Use new eyes. 

Believe in magic. 

Embrace life’s wonders.


Throughout time, Raven has carried the medicine of magi. 

This has been true in many cultures across the planet. 

It is sacred, in the medicine way, to honour Raven as the bringer of magic. 

If the magic is bad medicine, the carrier may be honoured out of fear rather than out of respect. 

Those who fear Raven may do so because they have been dabbling in areas in which they had no knowledge, and a spell may have backfired on

Rather than analyzing the dark side of sorcery, realize that you will fear Raven only if you need to learn about your inner fears or self-created demons.

Raven magic is a powerful medicine that can give you the courage to enter the darkness of the void, which is the home of all that is not yet in form. 

The void is called the Great Mystery. 

Great Mystery existed before all other things came into being. 

Great Spirit lives inside the void and emerged from the Great Mystery. 

Raven is the messenger of the void.

If Raven appears in your spread, you are about to experience a change in consciousness. 

This may involve walking inside the Great Mystery on another path at the edge of time. 

It would portend a signal brought by the Raven that says, "You have earned the right to see and experience a little more of life's magic." 

Raven's colour is the colour of the void - the black hole in space that holds all the energy of the creative source.

In Native teachings the colour black means many things, but it does not mean evil.

Black can mean the seeking of answers, the void, or the road of the spiritual or nonphysical. 

The blue-black of Raven contains an iridescence that speaks of the magic of darkness, and a changeability of form and shape that brings an awakening in the process.

Raven is the guardian of ceremonial magic and in absentia healing. 

In any healing circle, Raven is present. Raven guides the magic of healing and the change in
consciousness that will bring about a new reality and dispel "dis-ease" or illness. 

Raven brings in the new state of wellness from the Void of Great Mystery and the field of plenty.

Raven is the messenger that carries all energy flows of ceremonial magic between the ceremony itself and the intended destination. 

For instance, if a ceremony is being performed to send energy to a disaster area where people need courage and strength,

Raven would be the courier for that energy flow. 

The intention could be to allow the people of the devastated area to feel the concern and support of the participants in the ceremony.

If you have chosen Raven, magic is in the air. Do not try to figure it out; you cannot. 

It is the power of the unknown at work, and something special is about to happen. 

The deeper mystery, however, is how you will respond to the sparkling synchronicity of this alchemical moment. 

Will you recognize it and use if to further
enhance your growth? 

Can you accept it as a gift from the Great Spirit? Or will you limit the power of the Great Mystery by explaining it away?

It may be time to call Raven as a courier to carry an intention, some healing energy, a thought, or a message. 

Raven is the patron of smoke signals or spirit messages represented by smoke. 

So if you want to send a message to the Blue Road of spirit, in order to contact the Ancients, call Raven. 

Or, who knows, the Ancients may be calling to

Remember, this magic moment came from the void of darkness, and the challenge is to bring it to light. 

In doing so, you will have honoured the magician within.



Woman Medicine

Otter . . . 

So playful!!!

Coquette playing by the stream

The medicine of Woman

The Realized Dream.

The medicine held by Otter is a set of lessons in female energy. This applies to both men and women, as all of us have female sides. 

The Otter's hide is very often used to make medicine bags for powerful women because it represents balanced female energy.

Otter is very caring of its young and will play for hours, performing all types of acrobatics. 

It lives on land, but always has its home near water. 

The elements of Earth and Water are the female elements. 

At home in both of these elements, Otter is the personification of femininity: long, sleek, and graceful. 

Otter is the true coquette of the animal world.

Otter is always on the move and is very curious. Unlike other animals, Otter will not start a fight unless it is attacked first. 

This joyful little creature is adventuresome and assumes that all other creatures are friendly - until proven otherwise.

These character traits are the beauty of a balanced female side, the side of ourselves that creates space for others to enter our lives without preconceptions or suspicions. 

Otter teaches us that balanced female energy is not jealous or catty. 

It is sisterhood, content to enjoy and share the good fortune of others. 

Anchored in the understanding that all accomplishments are worthwhile for the whole tribe, Otter people express joy for others.

Long ago, in tribal law, if a woman were widowed, her sister would offer her own husband to the widow as a lover to keep her from drying up and not using her creative urges. 

This is Otter Medicine, too. 

Envy, or the fear of being replaced has no space in Otter's balanced understanding of sharing goodness.

Woman energy without games or control is a beautiful experience. 

It is the freedom of love without jealousy. 

It is the joy of loving other people's children and their accomplishments as much as you love your own.

It may be time to examine your feelings about sharing the bounty of your life with others. 

Otter may be saying that the finer qualities of woman need to be striven for in both men and women so that a unity of spirit can be achieved. 

This would involve the destruction of jealousy and all the acts of anger which stem from that fear.

It would mean keeping a Hawk-eye on your ego and maintaining total trust. 

It would mean a world full of people coming together to honour the right of each person to be.

If you have drawn this symbol, Otter may be telling you to become the playful child and to simply allow things to unfold in your life. 

It may be time to stop your addiction to worrying.

 Otter also teaches the importance of not hanging onto material things that would bind you or become a burden. 

In looking at how you can learn from Otter's habits, you might look at the joyousness of the receptive side of your nature. 

Have you given yourself a gift recently? 

Have you received any messages in your meditations?

Become Otter and move gently into the river of life. 

Flow with the waters of the Universe... this is the way of balanced female- receptive energy. 

Honour it! In doing so, you will discover the power of woman.


Otter is a playful, joyful animal that is very protective of its young and is at home on land or in water. 

As a power animal, Otter stresses the need for compassionate understanding, balanced judgment and generous sharing. 

Otter helps you not only to be willing to share the good things of your life with others, but also to find pleasure in other people's achievements and good fortune. 

If you are happy for others you will find more joy in your own life.

Otter is an antidote to worry and anxiety. 

It emphasizes how important it is not to concern yourself too intensely with acquiring more material "goodies" or advancing your position career-wise. 

Otter encourages you to find satisfaction in what you have and to enjoy life rather than to merely tolerate it. 

Enjoy.Laugh at your antics. Balance work and play.

Reclaim vulnerability.


If the Otter card appears reversed, you may be running from one idea to another without focus.

 This could also imply that you have forgotten how to receive, and are blocking a gift from the Universe with your male side. 

If this is the case, you may be embarrassed to receive compliments, to have someone hug you, or to allow your genuine personality to come out.

Fear of being rejected is the contrary message of Otter. 

Drop the seriousness on all levels and play at life so that the fear rolls off your back. Realize that the only flow is the flow of love from the Great Spirit to you, from you to others, and from others back to you.


Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. 

Medicine Cards 

Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988



Woman Medicine

Otter . . . 

So playful!!!

Coquette playing by the stream

The medicine of Woman

The Realized Dream.

The medicine held by Otter is a set of lessons in female energy. This applies to both men and women, as all of us have female sides. 

The Otter's hide is very often used to make medicine bags for powerful women because it represents balanced female energy.

Otter is very caring of its young and will play for hours, performing all types of acrobatics. 

It lives on land, but always has its home near water. 

The elements of Earth and Water are the female elements. 

At home in both of these elements, Otter is the personification of femininity: long, sleek, and graceful. 

Otter is the true coquette of the animal world.

Otter is always on the move and is very curious. Unlike other animals, Otter will not start a fight unless it is attacked first. 

This joyful little creature is adventuresome and assumes that all other creatures are friendly - until proven otherwise.

These character traits are the beauty of a balanced female side, the side of ourselves that creates space for others to enter our lives without preconceptions or suspicions. 

Otter teaches us that balanced female energy is not jealous or catty. 

It is sisterhood, content to enjoy and share the good fortune of others. 

Anchored in the understanding that all accomplishments are worthwhile for the whole tribe, Otter people express joy for others.

Long ago, in tribal law, if a woman were widowed, her sister would offer her own husband to the widow as a lover to keep her from drying up and not using her creative urges. 

This is Otter Medicine, too. 

Envy, or the fear of being replaced has no space in Otter's balanced understanding of sharing goodness.

Woman energy without games or control is a beautiful experience. 

It is the freedom of love without jealousy. 

It is the joy of loving other people's children and their accomplishments as much as you love your own.

It may be time to examine your feelings about sharing the bounty of your life with others. 

Otter may be saying that the finer qualities of woman need to be striven for in both men and women so that a unity of spirit can be achieved. 

This would involve the destruction of jealousy and all the acts of anger which stem from that fear.

It would mean keeping a Hawk-eye on your ego and maintaining total trust. 

It would mean a world full of people coming together to honour the right of each person to be.

If you have drawn this symbol, Otter may be telling you to become the playful child and to simply allow things to unfold in your life. 

It may be time to stop your addiction to worrying.

 Otter also teaches the importance of not hanging onto material things that would bind you or become a burden. 

In looking at how you can learn from Otter's habits, you might look at the joyousness of the receptive side of your nature. 

Have you given yourself a gift recently? 

Have you received any messages in your meditations?

Become Otter and move gently into the river of life. 

Flow with the waters of the Universe... this is the way of balanced female- receptive energy. 

Honour it! In doing so, you will discover the power of woman.


Otter is a playful, joyful animal that is very protective of its young and is at home on land or in water. 

As a power animal, Otter stresses the need for compassionate understanding, balanced judgment and generous sharing. 

Otter helps you not only to be willing to share the good things of your life with others, but also to find pleasure in other people's achievements and good fortune. 

If you are happy for others you will find more joy in your own life.

Otter is an antidote to worry and anxiety. 

It emphasizes how important it is not to concern yourself too intensely with acquiring more material "goodies" or advancing your position career-wise. 

Otter encourages you to find satisfaction in what you have and to enjoy life rather than to merely tolerate it. 

Enjoy.Laugh at your antics. Balance work and play.

Reclaim vulnerability.


If the Otter card appears reversed, you may be running from one idea to another without focus.

 This could also imply that you have forgotten how to receive, and are blocking a gift from the Universe with your male side. 

If this is the case, you may be embarrassed to receive compliments, to have someone hug you, or to allow your genuine personality to come out.

Fear of being rejected is the contrary message of Otter. 

Drop the seriousness on all levels and play at life so that the fear rolls off your back. Realize that the only flow is the flow of love from the Great Spirit to you, from you to others, and from others back to you.


Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. 
Medicine Cards
Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988

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