Monday 22 December 2014

19 - Buffalo - Prayer and Abundance - Contrary


Buffalo - Contrary

Prayer and Abundance

Buffalo . . .
       You bring us the gift of life.

Hear our prayers,
              Smoke rising,

                   Like Phoenix,

We are reborn,
         Within the sacred words.


To receive Buffalo upside-down is a signal that you have forgotten to seek help when it has been needed. 

If your hand is closed in a fist, you cannot receive the bounty of abundance. 

In understanding the significance of the reversed Buffalo, you may well ask yourself. 

(1) Have I forgotten my eternal partner, Great Spirit? 

(2) Am I pushing myself too fast in the physical world and keeping myself from seeing the importance of reunion with the Source of all life? 

(3) Have mI forgotten to honour the ways of others and to afford them the same respect that I wish to receive for myself? 

(4) Am I feeling like my life is being used for the highest good at this time? 

(5) Have I forgotten to be grateful for my life, my possessions, my talents, my abilities, my health, my family, or my friends?

(6) Is it time to make peace with another, or to make peace with some inner conflict I have so that I may walk in balance again?

Become Buffalo. 

Feel the smoke of prayer and praise change your Buffalo robe to white so that you may be an answer to the prayers of the world.


The Buffalo was the most sacred of all animals to the American Indian because it gave entirely of itself providing not only food, but also materials for clothing, housing, cooking utensils and equipment, and weapons. As a power animal, 

Buffalo is thus concerned with provision and abundance, with sustenance and sharing. It stresses the importance of being prepared to share one's energies with others, and to recognize other
people's needs.

Buffalo is also symbolic of Wakan-Tanka - the Great Spirit in manifestation, who was also referred to as the Great Everything - and is a reminder that whatever talents and abilities we may have they all derive from the source of the Great Provider. 

So Buffalo as a power animal serves as a reminder that everything we possess is but temporary, and that true happiness can never be attained alone; it comes through sharing what one has, and what one is, with others. Sharing and caring.

Make way for abundance. 

Release fear of lack or scarcity. 

Open yourself to receive.

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