Saturday 20 December 2014

7 - Skunk - Reputation




Skunk . . . tell me the story,
        So I will know it well,
        Of how to attract,
        And how to repel.

This furry little animal has a reputation that contains a great deal of power. 

Due to its distinctive behaviour, humans give this tiny, smelly creature a wide berth. 

The keyword here is respect.

Unlike other predatory animals, Skunk does not threaten your life but threatens your senses. 

You know this to be true if you have even been in the vicinity of its spray.

In observing the habit patterns of Skunk, it is easy to notice the playfulness and nonchalance of its natural behaviour. 

The "I-dare-you" attitude of this four-legged creature commands you, as the observer, to respect its space by mere reputation alone.

Skunk is teaching you that by walking your talk and by respecting yourself, you will create a position of strength and honoured reputation. 

The carriage of your body relates to others what you believe about yourself. 

There is no need to bully, aggravate, torment, or overpower other being when your sense of "self" is intact. 

As with Skunk, the resonant field of energy around your body is relayed through the senses. 

Self-esteem permeates the body's energy, and is instantly recognized on an extrasensory level by

Learn to assert, without ego, what you are.  

Respect follows. 

Your self-respectful attitude will repel those who are not of like mind, and yet will attract those who choose the same pathway. 

As the odour of Skunk attracts others of its kind, it repels those who will not respect its space.

Skunk medicine people have the ability to attract others, and they are very charismatic. 

At the same time, the other side of their natural power is to repel those who seek to take energy from them without recycling the gifts they have taken.

Skunk medicine people also know how to use the energy flows that will attract a lover. 

Some people call this sexual magic, as it is akin to the musk scent that animals excrete to attract a mate. 

It can be dangerous to leak sexual energy if you are not looking for a mate. 

It puts you into a games condition that may feed your ego but not how others feel about you. 

If you are attracting others who have an interest in you, you are in a sense saying, "I'm available." 

This can cause hard feelings when the truth comes out. 

It also leaks energy that you could have used in a more constructive way.

In Skunk medicine, it is good to learn how to handle energy flows. 

Modern psychologists call this body language. 

In tribal teachings, this is your personal medicine
which you are showing to others. 

Use your medicine well, and know that you are known by your reputation. 

How you use your energy will attract either honour or disgrace. 

You may want to examine what energy you are putting out that creates your present situation.

If you have chosen this symbol, you are being asked to notice the kinds of people who are attracted to you. 

If they emulate favourable characteristics, have enough self esteem to recognize those characteristics within yourself. 

Walk tall and be proud of your accomplishments. 

Bear in mind that what you believe about yourself is your ultimate protection. 

Project self-respect!


Attract what you need in order to grow. 

Walk your talk. 

Know yourself.


Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. 
Medicine Cards
Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988

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