Monday 8 December 2014

Antelope - Action - Contrary




Run Antelope . . .

     Teach me,
            Of action
                 Ad its pace.

           So I may run with grace.


Contrary Antelope is a signal that you are listening, and not acting on the will of Great Spirit. 

You may be taking more than your share. 

Antelope medicine in the contrary makes you crazy and quarrelsome. 

You will certainly be indecisive and not know what direction to turn. 

You might be lying to yourself and others. 

Stop lying even in you think it will get you off the hook. 

Contrary Antelope will trip you at every turn.

Quit being so conventional and following others all the time. 

Take your own authority.

Let Antelope's heart beat strong in you, and you will know the way. 

But as always, the message is "Do it!" 

The fear of the unknown subsides once action begins.

Contrary Antelope may also be telling you that a decision to start is now necessary. 

The main element in procrastination is lack of conviction. 

To hone your chosen destiny is to honour your commitment to doing what you "proclaim" you are doing.

Walking your talk is the essence of Antelope people. 

Talking your walk is contrary Antelope personified.

To right contrary Antelope, three steps are necessary: 

(1) Have the desire to do something. 

(2) Make the firm decision to begin that action. 

(3) Do it!


Antelope is a hunted animal so its future is always uncertain. Its major concern is
with the Now, and with mortality and survival.
As a power animal Antelope stresses the importance of making the best of what
you have and of the time at your disposal, and the need for sustenance and nourishment,
not so much in a physical sense but mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Antelope can
give you the power to strengthen your mind and heart, and to acquire the courage
necessary to help you make the right decisions. It emphasizes how important it is to
know exactly what you want, and to then make up your mind to do something positive in
order to bring it about.

Antelope points to a higher purpose, beyond the obvious. So listen to what
Antelope has to tell you and look carefully at what it is trying to show you. Decisive
Time to respond. Take action. No procrastinating. Decide and do it now.

When time was just beginning and the "Tribe of Man" was small, Antelope saw
that the two-leggeds were naked, hungry, and in danger of extinction. The Ancestors
would soon vanish from Mother Earth if action were not taken.

Antelope took action and came into the camp, calling all the two-leggeds together
for Council. 

"Great Mystery sent me to teach you a lesson. The lesson is do. 

You have
no need to be fearful if you know what to do and then you do it," 

Antelope said.

"And what shall we do?

" asked the People.
"If you are naked and cold, you should kill me and take my coat to keep you

It is my gift to you. Do it."

"We will," said the People. 

"But what of our hunger. 

We are starving. 

What can
we do to save ourselves?"

"If you are hungry, you should kill me and take my flesh, for it will nourish you
and make you strong. 

It is my gift to you, and a part of my evolution. It is my service.

Do it."

Antelope knew that humankind would survive the Ice Age if the People learned to
eat meat. 

Before the movement of the great ice mountains, fruits and vegetable had been
plentiful, and the two-leggeds had had no need to eat of the bodies of their fellow

The clans of the second world, the world of Ice, ate Antelope. 

Taking the
instinct and wisdom of the four-leggeds into their bodies, the People learned, through
each creature's essence, how to survive. 

They were taught never to waste, or to take more
than they needed. 

When they were in need, the two-leggeds knew how to take action.

Humans learned Antelope's lesson well. Because of Antelope, humans took
proper action and survived to this present day. 

Antelope taught humans to honor the gifts
sent from Great Mystery, and to avoid indiscriminate destruction of life.

Antelope signifies knowledgeable action; action that has its basis in clarity, focus,
and commitment. 

Antelope is a symbol for the antenna of your hair, which attaches you
to Great Mystery by its long cords of light. 

As we look at Antelope, we become aware of
our mortality and the short time we have on this planet. 

With this is mind, we must act

Antelope medicine is the knowledge of life's

Knowing of death, Antelope can truly live. 

Action is the key and essence of

Antelope powers have been courted and shamanized since the dawn of time.

Antelope clans have been many, and the power of Antelope people is great. 

medicine gives you strength of mind and heart, and the ability to take quick and decisive
action to bring our goals to fruition.

If you feel stymied, momentarily lacking clarity or focus, call on Antelope

If you are balled up and twisted in knots, Antelope powers will speak to you of
proper action and soon set you free. 

Many ingenious solutions to such problems are
whispered by Antelope. 

Listen, and even more importantly, act. 

Surround yourself with
the illumination and secret knowledge of Antelope. 

Combine this with action and you
will overcome any obstacle or hindrance in your path. 

If Antelope is your Centering Tree
and strong personal medicine, thank Great Spirit. Say what should be said. 

judgment is sound and your actions will be successful.

Always listen to what Antelope has to say to you. For Antelope indicates a
message of higher purpose. 

Antelope arms you with the Bow of Authority, and forces
you to act on behalf of self, family, clan, nation, and finally Mother

Antelope says, 

"Do it now. 
Do not wait any longer." 

Antelope knows the way,
and so do you. 

Take courage and leap; your sense of timing is perfect. 

The time is now.

The power is you.


Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. 

Medicine Cards

Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988

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