Thursday 5 February 2015

1 - Eagle - Spirit & 41 - Whale - Record Keeper

Eagle flew out of the cards while shuffling doubling today's Animal Medicine.


Eagle . . .

      Fly high,

             Touch Great Spirit.

Share your medicine,
       Touch me, honour me,
              So that  I may know you too.

Eagle medicine is the power of the Great Spirit, the connection to the Divine.  It is the ability to live in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and balanced within the realm of
Earth. Eagle soars, and is quick to observe expansiveness within the overall pattern of life.
From the heights of the clouds, Eagle is close to the heavens where the Great Spirit dwells.

The fathers of Eagle are considered to be the most sacred of healing tools. They have been used for centuries by shamans to cleanse the auras of patients coming to them for healing.

Within the belief systems of Native American tribes, Eagle represents a state of grace achieved
through hard work, understanding, and a completion of the tests of initiation which results in the taking of one's personal power.  It is only through the trial of experienced the lows in life as well as the highs, and through the trial of trusting one's connection to the Great Spirit, that the right to use the essence of Eagle medicine is earned.

If you have pulled this symbol, Eagle is reminding you to take heart and gather your courage, for the Universe is presenting you with an opportunity to soar above the mundane levels of your life. The power of recognizing this opportunity may come in the form of a spiritual test.

In being astute, you may recognize the places within your soul, personality, emotions, or psyche
that need bolstering or refinement. By looking at the overall tapestry, Eagle teaches you to broaden your sense of self beyond the horizon of what is presently visible.

In learning to fiercely attack your personal fear of the unknown, the wings of your soul will be supported by the ever-present breezes which are the breath of Great Spirit.  Feed your body, but more importantly feed your soul. Within the realm of Mother Earth and Father Sky, the dance that leads to flight involves the conquering of fear and the willingness to join in the adventure that you are co-creating with the Divine.

If Eagle has majestically soared into your cards, you are being put on notice to reconnect with the element of air. Air is of the mental plane, and in this instance, it is of the higher mind.

Wisdom comes in many strange and curious forms and is always related to the creative force of
the Great Spirit.

If you have been walking in the shadows of former realities, Eagle brings illumination.
Eagle teaches you to look higher and to touch Father Sun with your heart, to love the shadows as
well as the light. See the beauty in both, and you will take flight like the Eagle.

Eagle medicine is the gift we give ourselves to remind us of the freedom of the skies. Eagle asks you to give yourself permission to legalize freedom and to follow the joy your heart


If you have pulled Eagle in the reverse, you have forgotten your power and connectedness to the Great Spirit. You may have failed to recognize the light that is always available for those who seek illumination. Heal your broken wings with love. Loving yourself as you are loved by the Great Spirit is the lesson which the contrary Eagle brings.

On some level, Eagle is telling you to seek higher ground on which to build your nest. The nest is the home of the heart and cannot remain in a swamp. If your nest is in a swamp, this may be connected to your belief that your wings are clipped by an impossibility in your present status.

Eagle's nest is high in the mountains, where the air is clean and the movement free.  It may be your time for a Vision Quest so that you can commune with the Great Spirit. Fasting and praying will surely bring an answer. Seek lofty ideals, and illumination will be close at hand.


Eagle helps you to see beyond the mundane levels of visible existence, for Eagle as a power animal is your connection with your soul Self - your High Self.  Eagle can help you to reach for the sky while still keeping your feet firmly on the ground, and thus combine lofty ideals with practical reality. Eagle can show you that principles and
actions are equally expressions of the spirit.

In American Indian cosmology the eagle "flies closest to the sun," meaning the illuminating light of the Great Spirit. 

Therefore, Eagle as a power animal brings enlightenment, which is a sudden flash of illumination of seeing into spiritual truth which hitherto were obscured of unknown. Fly like an Eagle.  Connect with spirit.  Feel the freedom found in Oneness. Let your spirit soar.


Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. Medicine Cards (Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988).



Record Keeper


Of mighty oceans,

You have seen it all.

Secrets of the ages are 

Heard within your call.

Teach me how to hear your words,

And how to understand,

The very roots of history,

Of when our world began.

Whale is very much like a swimming library,

Wake carries the history of Mother Earth and is said to have been placed here by the Ancients from the Dog Star, Sirius.

Biologists say that Whale is a mammal, and very possibly lived on land millions of years ago.

In tribal legend, Whale's move into the ocean happened when the Earth shifted and Lemuria, the Motherland, went below the waves.

All of our petroglyphs speak of the Motherland, Mu, and the disaster that brought the red race to North America from the West, beyond the great waters.

The symbols in the petroglyphs speak of the rivers and mountains crossed by our ancestors when they sought solid ground as the water receded.

Whale saw the events that lead the settling of Turtle Island (North America) and has kept the records and knowledge of the Motherland alive.

It is said that Mu will rise again when the fire comes from the sky and lands in another ocean on Mother Earth.

The native medicine people are waiting for this event as the next sign of Earth changes.

Earth's children will have to unite and honour all ways and all races in order to survive.

Whale medicine people are coded in their DNA to understand that sound frequencies  can bring up records in the memories of ancient knowledge.

They are usually clairaudient, or able to hear both very low an d very high frequencies.

They are usually also psychically developed and fairly telepathic.

Many times, however , they are not awakened to their gifts until lit is time to use the stored records.

Many Whale medicine people are able to tap into the universal, mind of Great Spirit and have no idea how or why they know what they know.

Only later, when they receive confirmation, do they begin to understand how they know or why they received the impressions.

Whale medicine teaches us to use the sounds and frequencies that balance our emotional bodies and heal our physical forms.

To recall why the shaman's drum brings healing and peace is to align with Whale's message.

The drum is the universal heartbeat and aligns all beings heart to heart.

Before the advent of speech and the primordial language, hand signs were used, and many tribes were silent most of the time.

The language that understood was the sounds of Great Spirit's other creatures, the animals.

If you pulled the Whale card, you are being asked to tap into these records and allow yourself to be sung to by those who have the original language.

We are the only creatures who do not have our own unique cray or call.

Find yours.

Allow your voice to use this sound to release tension or emotion.

Whale signals a time for finding your origins, of seeing your overall destiny as coded in your DNA, and of finding the sounds that will release those records.

You may never be the same again.

After all, you are the melody of the Universe, and the harmony is the song of the other creatures.

IN using your voice to open your memory, you are expressing your uniqueness and your personal sound.

As you open to this uniqueness and your personal sound.

As you open to this uniqueness. the animals that are your nine totems may then send their sounds or calls to you or through you.

This will open your personal records to so that you  may further explore your soul's history and commune with Whale, who carries the history of us all.


If Whale has beached itself in your cards, the contrary medicine implies that you are not following your sonar or homing device. 

On some level you have forgotten that you hold all the answers you need to survive, to grow, and to claim the power of your chosen destiny.

It may be that you are having to deal with a lot of chatter in your hear and cannot get to your personal records. 

If so, you may need to use other sounds to enter the silence.

The drum or rattle, the Indian flute, or the sounds of nature may help. 

The call of Whale is the lullaby of the tides. Rock yourself gently and float into the world of the sea. 

Flow with the waters of time and collect your answers - they are the only truth that will lead to
your personal pathway of knowing.

Contrary Whale is saying that you must desire to know. 

You must seek the Whale song within you. 

In hearing Whale's call you will connect to the Ancients on a cellular level, and then as you relax into the flow of the song's rhythm you will begin to open your unique library of records. 

It may not come all at once. It may take practice, but if you hold the desire to know close to your heart, it will be Whale's gift to you. 

Look to the Great Star Nation and send gratitude to Sirius for the song of Whale.


Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. Medicine Cards (Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988).

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