Sunday 22 February 2015

34 - Grouse - Sacred Spiral & 40 - Dolphin - Manna

Dolphin flip over and out while shuffling today doubling animal medicine.




Dolphin . . .
Breathe with me

      Breath of the Divine.
                        Manna of the Universe,
                   In Oneness we entwine.

Dolphin speaks to us of the breath of life, the only thing that humans cannot go without for more than a few minutes. 

We can live without water and food for days, but oxygen is the source of our sustenance. 

Within the breath we encounter the rhythm of energy that all life emits. 

In changing the rate or rhythmic texture of our breath, we can tap into any other life form or creature. 

This is a very easy way to connect with divine energy coming from the Great Spirit, as well as with your own personal rhythms.

Dolphin is the keeper of the sacred breath of life, and teaches us how to release emotions through Dolphin breath. 

Dolphin creates rhythm, swimming through the water and breathing before submerging, then holding its breath for the duration of underwater travel. 

As Dolphin comes above the water again, it blows its breath out in a manner resembling the popping of a cork. 

We can use this same technique to pull the stopper on our tensions and create total relaxation. 

This is a good exercise to use before entering the silence.

Manna is life force. Manna is present in every atom, and is Great Spirit's essence.

Dolphin teaches us how to use life-manna through our breath. 

It revitalizes each cell and organ, and breaks the limits and dimensions of physical reality so that we may enter the Dreamtime.

Dolphin was traveling the oceans one day as Grandmother Moon was weaving the patterns of the tides. 

Grandmother Moon asked Dolphin to learn her rhythms so that he could open his female side to her silvery light. 

Dolphin began to swim to the rhythm of her tide weaving, and learned to breathe in a new way. 

As Dolphin continued to use this new rhythm, he entered the Dreamtime. 

This reality was a new and different place from the seas he had known.

Dolphin came to discover underwater cities in the Dreamtime, and was given the gift of primordial tongue. 

This new language was the sound-language that was brought by Spider from the Great Star Nation. 

Dolphin learned that all communication was pattern and rhythm, and that the new aspect of communication was sound; he carries this original pattern to this day. 

Dolphin returned to the ocean of the Great Mother, and was very sad until Whale came by and told Dolphin that he could return to be a messenger to the Dreamtime dwellers anytime he felt the rhythm and used his breath. 

Dolphin was given a new job. 

He became the carrier of messages of our progress. 

The Dreamtime dwellers were curious about the children of Earth, and wanted us to grow to be at one with Great Spirit. 

Dolphin was to be the link.

If Dolphin has appeared to you today, frothing through the waves of your spread, you are to be a link to some solution for the Children of Earth. 

This can be a time when you are to link with Great Spirit and bring answers to your own question or to those of others. 

In addition, this can mean a time of communication with the rhythms of nature.

You are put on notice to be mindful of your body rhythms and the pattern of energy being
fed to you from the Creator. 

Imitate Dolphin and ride the waves of laughter, spreading joy in the world. Breathe and experience the manna so freely given. 

Break existing barriers and connect to the Dreamtime or Great Star Nation. 

Know that we are all whole in the eyes of the Everliving One.


If Dolphin appears reversed, know that you are forgetting to breathe. 

You may be under stress, and your body may need manna. 

You may be starving your cells and organs no matter how many vitamins you are taking. 

Your natural cycles may be fouling up.

Pay close attention to your health, and your feelings. 

If you are on edge or just tense, take time to relax and breathe the life force into your muscles. 

Focus on releasing old breath at the bottom of your lungs and refilling your respiratory system with regenerative manna.

Breathe from the diaphragm and fill the lungs to capacity. 

Then exhale from the chest to the belly, allowing your body to totally relax as you breathe out.

Another message of contrary Dolphin is that many signals are carried through universal tides or waves, and you may be failing to use your sonar. 

To detect these wave patterns you may need to realign yourself with natural rhythms within your own body.

The it is necessary to use the dolphin breath to connect to universal awareness and signals.

Dolphin says to dive deeply into the water, to play be the coral reef, and to discover the beauty of the rhythm of breath.


Dolphin is a beautiful, gregarious mammal with a beaked mouth, and is found in all the oceans of the world. 

In American Indian cosmology Dolphin is the Keeper of the Sacred Breath which contains the prana/mana life force, which is the Essence of Great Spirit. 

As a power animal therefore, Dolphin is associated with the rhythm of energy within Nature and with your own body, and with revitalization.

Dolphin is symbolic of breath. 

By changing the rhythm of our breathing, we can tune into other living things in the universe. 

This is why rhythmic breathing is so important.

Dolphin is concerned also with communication which, again, involves pattern and
rhythm, and especially with sonics and with sonic harmonization. 

It is also associated with dreams and dreaming, and indicates that you should explore the oceans of your own dreaming and examine carefully what you see there. 

Dolphin will help you to decipher their meanings. 

The breath of life. 


Take in life force. 

Accept the gift of usable energy. 

Touch the invisible.


Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. 

Medicine Cards 

(Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988).



Sacred Spiral

Grouse . . . of the Sacred Spiral
      Leading us on,
            To reach the everlasting heights,

Where we can live as one.

Grouse once flocked in abundance throughout North America, but now, even on the plains, where these birds were so plentiful, there is an absence of them. 

Many Plains Indian tribes dance the Grouse Dance to honour these birds. 

The movement of the dance follows a spiral, which is the ancient symbol of birth and rebirth, the ribbed tunnel of
eternal return.

The Sacred Spiral is also one of the oldest know symbols for personal power.

When you think of Grouse medicine, visualize a whirlpool or even a tornado, for the Sacred Spiral will take you to the Centre. 

The spiral is a metaphor for personal vision
and enlightenment. 

Many initiates on Vision Quests paint spirals on their bodies and believe that the Great Mystery will favour them with visions of power and purpose because of this symbol.

The whirling dervishes of certain Sufi orders are masters of the spiral dance and can transcend to higher states of awareness through the repetition of this sacred movement. 

It is said that dervishes can travel to the centre of the spiral and return with any magical power they choose. 

In the dervish state, on enters the Great Silence and has direct communication with the Creator. 

By spinning clockwise or counter-clockwise, the
dervish draws or repulses specific energies. 

Sufi dancing is a system which connects one with the Divine Source through ritual treatment of motion.

If you have Grouse Medicine, undertake a meditation on the various qualities of movement within your world. 

Begin by visualizing the sun as one member of a huge group of stars swirling in the massive pinwheel shape of the Milky Way. 

Then draw yourself out of this pinwheel of light and into the spiralling of your own DNA's double helix, an arrangement similar to a rope ladder coiled like a corkscrew.

Analyze the way you move through your world. 

How do you picture yourself in the act of locomotion? 

What kind of reaction do you create with the energy you send into the universe? 

What words would you use to describe the way you move through both the material and spiritual worlds?

 In the final analysis, is your movement compatible with your greatest desires and goals?

Many spiritual disciplines ask that you cease all external movement in order to recognize the inner life. Grouse medicine, however, is an invitation to the dance. 

Grouse celebrates the Divine Source through its sacred spiral dance, and offers this dance to you
as a gift. 

You can spend a lifetime learning Grouse's lesson on how to harmonize your dance with Mother Earth's cycles, and how to offer the dance as a creation of selfless beauty.

Drawing the Grouse medicine card in the reverse position signals a dissipation of energy and lack of control and discipline. 

It is symbolic of a lost connection to the Source, and signifies a lack of clear intent behind an outpouring of energy. 

You may feel like you are in a tailspin or going down the drain. 

Confront confusion either in yourself or in others who may be in the picture.

 Examine the way your energy may be causing
friction, sparks, or a convolution of a situation that needs clarification. 

Work towards harnessing your energy and directing it towards clearly defined goals. 

Such is the nature of the Sacred Grouse Dance.

In using this sacred dance as a tool to right contrary Grouse, you may also find that it is a tool to centre or ground you. 

In grounding, you are once again connecting to
Mother Earth and balancing out the spinning in your head. 

If you have become so involved with an idea or problem that you are no longer seeing it clearly, you may feel dizzy or lacking in concentration. 

This is a sign that you have entered the thought universe and are not connected to physical reality. 

You need grounding if this occurs.

Dancing or walking will put you back in tough with Earth and your body. 

Grouse may then teach you how to notice the energy flows that put you in harmony and balance
with body, mind, and spirit.

Find your rhythm. 
Honour the synchronicity. 
Spiral into your potential.

Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. 
Medicine Cards 
(Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988).

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