Monday, 19 October 2015

7 - Skunk - Reputation & 12 Porcupine - Innocence - Contrary & 42 - Bat - Re-Birth - Contrary




Skunk . . . tell me the story,
        So I will know it well,
        Of how to attract,
        And how to repel.


This furry little animal has a reputation that contains a great deal of power. 

Due to its distinctive behaviour, humans give this tiny, smelly creature a wide berth. 

The keyword here is respect.

Unlike other predatory animals, Skunk does not threaten your life but threatens your senses. 

You know this to be true if you have even been in the vicinity of its spray.

In observing the habit patterns of Skunk, it is easy to notice the playfulness and nonchalance of its natural behaviour. 

The "I-dare-you" attitude of this four-legged creature commands you, as the observer, to respect its space by mere reputation alone.

Skunk is teaching you that by walking your talk and by respecting yourself, you will create a position of strength and honoured reputation. 

The carriage of your body relates to others what you believe about yourself. 

There is no need to bully, aggravate, torment, or overpower other being when your sense of "self" is intact. 

As with Skunk, the resonant field of energy around your body is relayed through the senses. 

Self-esteem permeates the body's energy, and is instantly recognized on an extrasensory level by

Learn to assert, without ego, what you are.  

Respect follows. 

Your self-respectful attitude will repel those who are not of like mind, and yet will attract those who choose the same pathway. 

As the odour of Skunk attracts others of its kind, it repels those who will not respect its space.

Skunk medicine people have the ability to attract others, and they are very charismatic. 

At the same time, the other side of their natural power is to repel those who seek to take energy from them without recycling the gifts they have taken.

Skunk medicine people also know how to use the energy flows that will attract a lover. 

Some people call this sexual magic, as it is akin to the musk scent that animals excrete to attract a mate. 

It can be dangerous to leak sexual energy if you are not looking for a mate. 

It puts you into a games condition that may feed your ego but not how others feel about you. 

If you are attracting others who have an interest in you, you are in a sense saying, "I'm available." 

This can cause hard feelings when the truth comes out. 

It also leaks energy that you could have used in a more constructive way.

In Skunk medicine, it is good to learn how to handle energy flows. 

Modern psychologists call this body language. 

In tribal teachings, this is your personal medicine
which you are showing to others. 

Use your medicine well, and know that you are known by your reputation. 

How you use your energy will attract either honour or disgrace. 

You may want to examine what energy you are putting out that creates your present situation.

If you have chosen this symbol, you are being asked to notice the kinds of people who are attracted to you. 

If they emulate favourable characteristics, have enough self esteem to recognize those characteristics within yourself. 

Walk tall and be proud of your accomplishments. 

Bear in mind that what you believe about yourself is your ultimate protection. 

Project self-respect!




Porcupine . . . remind me,
       Of innocence again.
With every man a brother,
       Each woman a friend.

The South of the medicine wheel is the place of childlike innocence and humility.  It is the home of playfulness, and the position of Porcupine on the medicine wheel of life.

Porcupine has many special qualities, and a very powerful medicine: the power of faith and trust.

The power o faith contains within it the ability to move mountains.

the power of trust in life involves trusting that the Great Spirit has a divine plan.

Your task is to find the pathway that is most beneficial for you and that uses your greatest talents to further that plan.

trust can open doorways to the creation of space.

the space thus created allows others to open their hearts to you and to share their gifts of love, joy, and companionship.

If you were to observe Porcupine, you would immediately notice its quills.

These quills are only used when trust has been broken between Porcupine and another creature.

Much like Otter, Porcupine is a gentle, loving creature, and non -aggressive.

When fear is not present, it is possible to feed a Porcupine by hand and never get stuck by its quills.

Through understanding the basic nature of this animal, you may come to understand your own need for trust and faith.. and for becoming like a child again.

In today's society, this is needed reminder to honour the wonder of life and the appreciation of each new day as an adventure of discovery.

Porcupine sat silently, looking at a hollow log.

She wondered if it was a playhouse that nature had created just for her.

Porcupine envisioned all the things she could do with the log.

She could climb on top and make the log roll from side to side.

She could go inside and see if there were any juicy worms for her dinner.

She could also scratch her back on the rough outer bark if she wanted to.

Just as Porcupine was pondering what to do next, she saw Bear approaching.

Bear was big and black and looking for honey.

"Oh, another playmate to share my log," she thought.
"Hello Bear," she cooed.
"Do you want to play and share my log with me?"

Gruff old Bear snorted, "Porcupine, don't you know that I'm too old to play?
You're in my way.
I'm looking for honey.
Go away!"

"Why Bear, you're never too old to play," she replied.
"If you forgot what it is like to be a cub, you'll always be as impatient and gruff as you are now."

Beare began to think about what Porcupine had said.

Maybe she was right.

All the other creatures had run away from Bear in fright.

Even the other Bears had turned up their noses when he growled at them.

This little Porcupine was certainly trusting him  not to eat her.

She even offered to be his friend.

The old Bear looked at Porcupine and began to feel something move inside him.

He started to remember the games he played as a cub.

Joy started to live in him again.

"Little Porcupine, you have reminded me that in becoming strong and seeking answers, I got caught in trying to be an intellectual.

I became afraid of what others would think if I dropped my mask of gruffness.

I was afraid they wouldn't take me seriously anymore.

You have taught me that in being a fuddy-duddy.

I was causing others not to care for me.

Thank you.

I'd love to play with this old log."

And so it was that Bear became childlike again and learned the Innocence of Porcupine.

In choosing the Porcupine card, you have given yourself a gentle reminder not to get caught in the chaos of the adult world where fear, greed, and suffering are commonplace.

The medicine in this card is that of relief from seriousness and severity.

Open your heart to those things that gave you joy as a child. 

Remember the preciousness of fantasy and imagination, and the making of some game or toy from nothing but scraps.

Honour the playfulness of spirit that lets everyone win.




Sacred Bat . . .  flew to me,
From the darkness of the cave.

Wound like reflections,
Answers it gave.

Birth, death, rebirth,
Cycles of the whole.

Just eclipsed, 

Journey of the soul.

If Bat is still hanging upside-down in the cave and immersed in darkness, you have met its contrary medicine. 

This position leads to stagnation of the spirit and a refusal to acknowledge your true destiny - which is always to use the talents you have to the

Is there some area of your life that has dammed up and therefore stopped your desire to create? 

If so, look at surrendering to the death of that stagnation.

Bat can also imply that in the reversal of your natural cycle of rebirth you are trying to go at life in a backwards mode. 

This is a breech birth, in a sense. 

This type of occluded understanding of how to go about freeing yourself can lead to a stillbirth if you
struggle too long in the birth canal. 

The final outcome can be death of the body. 

Some people think themselves into a corner with obstacles that are illusionary. 

By the time they decide what to do, the opportunities are gone and old age is upon them. 

All of their dreams have passed them by. 

Reversed Bat says to use your mind, courage, and strength to insure an easy labor and quick delivery into your new state of understanding and growth. 

Surrender to the new life you have created from thought and desire, and bravely greet that dawn.

If you are concerned with today and tomorrow but not much further, you may forget to see further down the road. 

Tribal teachings say that you are responsible for
future generations because you are the ancestors of the future. 

Whatever you do today will affect the next seven generations. 

Every decision, every thought, is to create a state of stagnation or rebirth for those that follow you on the Good Red Road. 

If you are blocking yourself, you may be blocking the generations to come.

Bat flies at night, and in the night are born your dreams. 

These are the dreams that build future civilizations, so nourish them well.


The bat is an animal steeped in mystery, and one which arouses unease in some humans because it is related to darkness and the unknown. 

Some are afraid of it, perhaps because of its association in horror movies with the supernatural and with ritualistic death.

The bat lives in a cave or a dark place; this is symbolic of the womb, and the animal's position hanging upside down parallels that of the unborn self, immersed in darkness. 

To encounter Bat as a power animal, therefore, signifies the process of initiation - the ending of an old way of life and a rebirthing into a new life pattern. 

Bat is there to help you to let go of old habits and a previous way of life, and to face a new dawn. 

You cannot make progress by hanging on tightly to the very things that are holding you back. 

So, confront your fears head on, and they will flee from you.

Bat is there to help you see in the darkness and to find your way to a new understanding. 

Face your fears.

Be flexible. 

Prepare for rebirth. 

The time is now, the power is you.


Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. 

Medicine Cards 

Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988

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