Saturday 13 December 2014

29 - Badger - Aggressiveness - Contrary




Badger . . .
      Badger . . .
            Badger . . .

Until you reach your goal,

       Know the inner power,
              That lives in your soul.


Oops! Here comes Badger upside-down and fuming! 

This could mean that you are being chewed out by someone else, or that you have expressed your anger in an unhealthy way. 

If this applies to you, remember that all anger stems from anger towards the self. 

It is an anger of helplessness that is misdirected towards others.

If you are angry at a co-worker for telling the boss that you were looking for another job, you are really angry at yourself for not keeping your own secret. 

If you are angry at your children for disobeying, it is usually anger that stems from fear for the
children's well-being. 

This self-anger condition is usually present when you have "silly accidents," falls, cuts and scrapes, or when you find yourself bumping into furniture.

Badger in the contrary position can issue in a time of reflection on what you feel helpless about. 

Is it your lack of aggressiveness or initiative? Is it your fear of being blasted or belittled if you present a new idea? 

Maybe it is a time when you need to get in
touch with your own jealousy or envy of others who are willing to put themselves on top
through hard work.

In the reverse, Badger teaches you the pitfalls of shyness and insecurity as well as of misused or vicious aggression. 

Go to your feelings - maybe you just need to let off

If so, scream into a pillow and then punch it a few times. It will surely put Badger back into balance. 

Badger can be difficult medicine, and learning to use it properly is a rare gift.

In another context, contrary Badger could be calling you to use herbs and roots to heal
your body. 

Badger reversed may also be putting you on notice to be aware of those areas of your life that need the input of someone else's aggressive creativity to spark your own.

In any case, contrary Badger speaks of a need for more aggressive action in life. 

No more inactivity can prevail without creating pain of some kind.


Badger is a quick and aggressive animal which will fight ferociously for what it wants. 

It lives in burrows and feeds of the roots of plants. As a power animal, Badger teaches the need to fight for your rights and to defend your principles against any attack.

Badger emphasizes that you should take the initiative in any difficult situation, and not just accept it meekly. 

If the problem is an emotional one, Badger encourages you not to keep your feelings bottled up inside but to let off steam. 

Have a good cry. 

Blow your top. 

You will feel better afterwards.

Badger is helpful in healing and harmonizing, encouraging you to look for unconventional means if necessary to affect a cure or result. 

Roots and herbs can help to restore your health. 

If the problem lies in a work situation, or is one concerning human relationships, the solution can be found at the roots.

Take charge of your life. 

Go for it. 

Trust your abilities.

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