Friday 12 December 2014

30 - Rabbit - Fear - Contrary


Rabbit - Contrary


Sacred little Rabbit . . .

      Please drop your fright!

             Running doesn't stop the pain,

                    Or turn the dark to light.


The paralyzed feeling which Rabbit experiences when being stalked is Rabbit in
the contrary position. 

If you have tried to resolve a situation in your life and are unable to, you may be feeling frozen in motion. 

This could indicate a time to wait for the forces of the universe to start moving again. It could also indicate the need to stop and take a rest. 

It will always indicate a time when you need to re- evaluate the process you are undergoing, and to rid yourself of any negative feelings, barriers, or duress. 

Simply put, you cannot have your influence felt until you rearrange your way of seeing the present set of circumstances.

There is always a way out of any situation, because the Universal Force does move on. 

It is the way in which you handle problems that allows you to succeed.

Take a hint from Rabbit. Burrow into a safe space to nurture yourself and release your fears until it is time again to move into the pasture, clear of prowlers who want a piece of your juicy energy.


Rabbit as a power animal is concerned with fears and anxieties. 

Rabbit provides the ability to know that something is wrong. 

You may have been attracted to Rabbit because you are the kind of person who hops for the best, but fears the worst. 

Rabbit is showing you that it is not a matter of pretending such fears do not exist, or even of trying to resist them. 

You need to burrow down to bring them to the surface and then get rid of them - give them to the Universe.

One way of revealing them is to write them down on a piece of paper, then conduct a little fire ceremony and set light to the paper. 

You can see your fears and anxieties vanish into the universe before your very eyes. 

Let the ashes of the burning paper fall into a small metal container or bowl. 

Then go outdoors, dig a small hole in the
ground and bury them. 

This symbolic act shows that your worries no longer have a place in your life. 

Nearly all your fears are imaginary; now they are buried and you can have faith in the future.

Rabbit, you see, can turn the weakness of fear into the strength of faith if you will accept its challenge. 

Strength from weakness.

Banish fear. Move beyond fear’s stagnation.
 Listen to your heart.


Sams, Jamie and Carson, David. 

Medicine Cards

Santa Fe: Bear and Company, 1988

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