Wednesday 3 December 2014

44 - Hummingbird - Joy - Contrary




Hummingbird . . . 
       Joyful little sister,
             Nectar you crave!

All the sweetness
     Of the flowers,
         Is the love you gave.


If contrary Hummingbird is in your cards in any configuration, it speaks to you of matters of the heart. 

How or why has your heart centre been closed? 

Have you done something callous to another, causing them to shut off the love they once felt for you?

The contrary Hummingbird may presage sorrow and the inability to see the many blessings we two-leggeds have been given and the primordial beauty that surrounds us. 

If contrary Hummingbird sings its forlorn song, perhaps you should journey into your personal pain and know that your sorrow is your joy in another reflection.

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